Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chapter 1

It was fan night at Mellon Arena instead of having it the last game of the season this time the Penguins decided to have two of them. One at the beginning and one at the end that way the fans could be more interactive with the team.

Evgeni Malkin was sitting in a chair signing autographs until the last person was done. Then he sat back and relaxed only to hear Max start laughing and say "wow that's have a Russian accent its beautiful" he smiled and was flirting like normal. Geno paid no attention to it until after it was all said and done.

The guys were helping clean up when Max sat down and said "Hey Sid come here and look at this picture" Sid walked over and looked at Max's camera and said "Holy hell Max" this caused everyone else to walk over and Max smiled. "Geno look at this sexy russian girl" he smirked and showed Geno the picture and Geno almost fell over. He looked at the picture and his eyes got wide then he looked away and looked outside.

"Geno...whats the matter?" Sergei Asked walked over to him. "That girl...was Kari" he said in Russian as Sarge nodded his head understanding what that meant. "Well i invited her to come to the game tonight" Max said and this caused Geno to turn around quickly in shock. " that picture or even when you saw here did she have a ring on her finger?" Sarge asked. Max thought about it for a second

"I dont think so" he said thinking hard. "But I really wasn't paying attention to her hands I was to drawn to those dark eyes of hers" Max said leaning back and Sarge looked over telling that Max was starting to get on Geno's nerves. Everyone went home to get ready for the game but no one knew how important this game was gonna truly be.
~Kari's POV~

I saw Geno sitting there but couldn't bring myself to go and talk to him so I just went over and talked to Max. I guess the tv does say right he is a big flirt. He gave me tickets to the game so I decided that I would come and maybe I'd get to see Geno and talk to him. I walked home with the ticket in my purse and went and changed into this

with these shoes

And went back to the arena. I showed my tickets to the guys at the gate and they gave me a VIP pass that i put in my purse then walked to my seat. "Its been almost 10 years" I thought to myself thinking about Geno and the last time as I took the ring off of my necklace and slid it onto my finger. I had to have it resized because it was to small for my finger. I sighed as I looked at it thinking about what had happened when we were younger the day that I left.
~Flash back~
"BUT MOM NO I DONT WANNA GO" i yelled as she pulled me toward the car. I saw Geno's car coming up and he got out before it even stopped and i pulled away from my mom and ran over into his arms. "I dont wanna leave Geno please help me" i whispered softly to him. I didn't want to leave that embrace. My mom walked over and grabbed my arm "come on Kari its time to go now" she said. I looked at her she was heartless she had no emotions. It was like the fact that I couldn't be happy if she wasn't. I look at Geno and hugged him again as I felt the tears falling down my face. He held me hand as my mom tried to pull me away then he kissed me for the first time and whispered "ill find u when i come to america just wait for me" and he slid the ring on my finger.
I left that night and never saw or heard from him again. I think that he sent letters but mom never let me see them just like the letters from my dad. She brainwashed me to think that he didn't love me and that he never wanted anything to do with me thats why she took me. It turns out it was just because she wanted to money for child support which was higher in america then it was in Russia.
~End Flashback~
I stood there as i felt some tears in my eyes but I hurried and wiped them away. I waited looked around as I found my section. I think that Max figured that I knew russian because as I walked down the steps I saw Mr and Mrs. Malkin sitting there right beside my seat. I felt my heart almost fly out of my chest as I saw Mrs.Malkin turn and look and she looked like she saw a ghost. "Kari.." she whispered as she walked closer and i just nodded and she just about body tackled me right there. I stumbled back falling into the railing as she hugged me tightly.
I walked over to my seat as Mr.Malkin hugged me then kissed my cheek. "have you seen geno?" mrs.malkin asked me. I shook my head no as I looked down "I couldn't face him" i whispered softly as I looked up and watched the Pens come out of their run way. I saw Geno and i thought back to when we were younger when I would sit in the stands and cheer him on. I saw the cameras coming toward the Malkins and I tried to escape but Mrs. Malkin grabbed my hand and pulled me back as she smiled and pointed to me holding up my hand.
I looked at her then down at the ice and saw geno wasn't even looking at the screen. I sat there and watched the game with them. It was like geno was in a slump he wasn't himself during the 1st intermission I sat there not moving figuring it was because it was early in the game. Then the second intermission came around and it was 2-0 and Geno still wasn't playing well. I got mad and got up walking back into the back using my VIP pass that Max gave me.
I walked to the locker room doors and I had one of the guys go in and get Geno. I stood behind the one wall as he walked out and I walked over to him. "Evgeni" i said softly and he turned around swiftly looking at me like I was invisible. I didn't say anything i just leaned up and kissed him and grabbed his hand letting him feel i still had the ring on my hand. I pulled back and backed up leaving hims tanding there. He stood there in shock then walked back into the locker room. I sat down at my seat and watched as he came out for the last period.
The old Geno was back he exploded and ended up getting a hat trick. I smiled and jumped up and down cheering loudly for him. Whenever the cameras showed the Malkins I smiled as one of them hugged me. After the game I left the game not wanting to face Geno not really knowing why i went back and kissed him. I left and started to walk out of the arena but just as I got to the doors I looked upa nd saw Geno in an interview.
Interviewer- "Geno, what happened in the 2nd intermission u came out a completly different person?"
Geno- smiled and then said "lets just say I found an old spark i guess"
I felt tears falling down my cheeks as I walked out of the arena. I stayed out there thinking to myself then sighed and walked toward my car. As I did I didn't notice that it was raining and the ground was slipped. I walked across the street when the cross walk light came on but just as I did a truck tried to stop on the red light and it skidded and hit me.
The last thing I remember is the sound of screeching tires and Geno's voice....

1 comment:

  1. awesome chapter. cant wait to read what happens next.
